Sunday, June 29, 2008

Crows are cool

This video from has nothing to do with anything I usually post, but I've always loved crows. I just think they're cool. The presentation made me giggle and gasp in equal measure.


RG said...

Almost everything has little to do with anything these days! Finding nuggets is a big job .... god bless the innocent young ones.

laura h said...

Crows are so funny. National Geographic did an article on animal play and one photo sequence showed a crow sliding on its back down a snowy bank with its legs in the air ...again and again...just for fun. There are so many nice books about crows and ravens, too: Bird Brains by Candace Savage; Jean Craighead George writes about them. Such smart birds.

ilex said...

Hey there Madam Laura. Thanks for the writer/book suggestions. Crows are definately my people- I'd love to read more about them.

Margo said...

Slowly catching up on my blog-reading and I have a cool crow/raven book recom. too! Mind of the Raven by Bernd Heinrich. When we're up in Maine for the hiking trips, we always get free crow entertainment - they can out-fish the larger Seagulls (see, size doesn't matter, it's brains and how you use them).

Anonymous said...

Ho. Lee. Cow. That is really awesome. I can't wait to see the crows sweep in after then next event in the park and pick up the trash, drop it in a hopper, and get a peanut.

Think we can get this to work with humans, too?