Monday, February 2, 2009

Bunday Munday- Noir Buns

She blew into my cage on a cold winter wind, wearing a full-length brown fur coat. She was a real looker, though given to flights of fancy. Her claws could be sharp, but that dish had gams all the way up to her velvet ears. She asked to share my chew, and who was I to say no. She tossed her pretty head, said she liked my nose. Days went by, we bumped gums, we pitched woo. I was dizzy with this dame, even thought about making her my frau. Turned out she was a chisel and a worker to boot; I shoulda known she'd breeze.

(Anyone want to add to or finish this bun-noir, go for it in comments- &
use this great website!)


PJ said...

I've studied the enlargement, bookmarked the website, and ordered all the worm necessaries from Happy D Ranch. I'll return with something worthy, doll face.

d. moll, said...

I shoulda suspected somethin' but I loved the way licked my beezer. I started noticing that my hay seemed a little short, then one night she tipped her mitt........

RG said...

"... wit a schnoz like Racer you can be sure she'll be back. Just have your story straight and your cards close to da vest..." "... a dame like this is worth an extra dime .."

Ha Ha .. it is going to be good to see how this plays out ...

d. moll, said...

Thank you for the Sydney nose inspired Haiku. It gleams all the the more darkly now as it pokes and pokes.

PJ said...

She was a bunny, but she was a bunny with brains..and lettuce...yeah, she was lousy with lettuce...and everytime I saw her fuzzy mush I wanted to tell her if she gave me a chance I'd keep her in wheats for the rest of her life. She had cankles that kotzed. A real babe...