There always seems to be a small storm brewing in Max. He can sit perfectly still for a long time, and he wears a perturbed look on his face for the duration. Unlike his sister Cecilia, he's no happy-go-lucky bun. I've seen him flop only a few times, and his rare binkies are usually confined to tight, small circles. I wonder what goes on in his little noodle.
They just have their personalities, eh? Meh. That's my daughter's line.
So, where do condo worms go in the winter in Detroit, anyway?
He does have look to him......What Meyers Briggs type does he fall into?
Looks like an anarchist plotting a coup!
Max comes from the same planet as Racer ... those black ones with white nose smudges are destined to shed light upon dark and dusty, ancient mysteries. But the hooman must be ready and Max is finely tuned in at all times to be sure he does not miss the moment!
Either that or he is hungry.
PS .. I would guess all rabbits are a Meyers-Briggs XXXX
Ilex, you simply must read today's post on this blog: http://www.skinnylaminx.com/. It features a South African Earthworm farmer!I saw it and thought of you!
I bunhanced the photo and I think Max is depleting the core strength of the concrete column. Do you have appropriate insurance coverage? I'm just askin'.
Gulp, that's a steel column.
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