Monday, June 15, 2009

Changing course for school

(First sweet pea bouquet of the season, on my desk now- what a scent)

My whole life, this is my pattern- I dive in, but do not hesitate to back out immediately if it's not working for me. And community college is definitely not working for me. I clearly dove in too quickly. I need to quit school- not forever, just for now. I'm not feeling this right now.

Algebra is kicking my can more than ever. For that matter, so is anthropology, especially genetics. They did not teach genetics in school 25 years ago, only Mendel.

It has dawned on me that just wanting a thing doesn't automatically make it mine, or even make it possible.
And that thing would be the dietitian path. So I'm attending an introductory seminar next Monday to see about getting my K-12 certification to become an art teacher.

I already know art. I already know how to teach. I love teaching. But the memorization of an entirely different field after 20 years of art, design, and antidepressants (SSRIs are known to inhibit memory-- and believe me when I tell you, I can't remember anything) is not in the cards.


Anonymous said...

Go with what you know. =) I know college is waaayy different now than when I attended back in the late 80's. Scary! Best wishes with the degree shift.

Sarah said...

There is nothing wrong with changing your mind! And teachers are a needed commodity...especially art teachers! Good luck:)

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Sometimes you have to try a few things to figure out what's for you...

d. moll, said...

The world certainly needs more art teachers. Follow the Qi.

B said...

I did not know SSRIs inhibit memory. Wow. Explains a lot for me.

B said...

Should say: Explains a lot about me and why my memory is so horrendous... and wanted to add that likewise, nothing wrong with changing direction!

PJ said...

Ilex, Sweet Pea,

The wonderful part about getting older is getting wiser. Keep us posted. And post more sweet peas. I had no idea how, well, sweet they are.


Friend of the Animals said...

That is okay! Good for you for trying and going a different direction.

RG said...

Oh My .. Detroit never looked so good ...

What .. you think we'll all wring our hands because plan A didn't work out? Heck feels good to know it happens to others too.

I can imagine a little memory loss is OK if those SSRI's do their magic. I would not want the alternative.

chaiselongue said...

I still don't see why you need to be good at algebra to be a nutritionist, but we need art as well as nutrition, so good luck with the new plan!

Meredith said...

The kiddos would be lucky to have you, art-wise! In the meantime, I still think you could be enormously helpful as a teacher/coach of all this amazing urban food and living stuff you do. I know there are folks who'd be happy to pay someone like you to come assess their tiny plots or sunny patches with them and help get personalized food production off the ground, so to speak. It's so generous of you to share as much of your knowledge and experience as you do, the way you already do, but if you made it even part of the way you earn income, you could stay focused on this thing you're amazing at, and keep passing it on one way or another!

ilex said...

Meredith, I have a fantasy where I teach a kind of big-picture home ec to all comers- kids, adults, families. But I have no idea how to make that happen. And I feel rather new around here, myself- I've only been doing this for 4 years. I'm definitely no expert. I just have passion for it.

Actually, I'd love to teach home ec in high school, or middle school- do they even teach that anymore?

B said...

On the home ec, you could draw up lessons then offer a local school(s) to teach said classes after school or during study halls on a volunteer basis. Just an idea to get your foot in the door and/or word out.

Irma said...

I admire you for following your instincts immediately, instead of sticking to something that doesn't feel right, JUST to be able to say you stuck it out. I think we have all done enough of that in our lives by the time we get to "our age". (I've decided that forty is the new twenty...only with better wine and better sex.)

Margo said...

I didn't know SSRIs did that! Anyway don't get apologetic just because you zigged instead of zagged. Teaching is fabulous and absolutely necessary! Go Ilex!!

Meredith said...

It'd be so great to offer that. You could start with adult ed; around here most adult ed classes begin with a proposal from a teacher. And you don't generally have to prove longevity; just qualification, which you surely have. Press doesn't hurt, either!

There's less home ec than there used to be. Matthew Crawford's new book Shop Class as Soulcraft is a great look at the narrowing of what's offered in schools. I suspect you'd like the book, and maybe get inspired and get ideas for how to make a case for what you could offer.

It might also be worth looking into the Farm to School programs; they must need people to create/run/help with these initiatives, and there's certainly a need for the urban growers angle...

Anonymous said...

*subversive voice*
Do you get to serve snacks to K-12 students?

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

I think that sometimes school is there to help you decide what you DON'T want to do with your career. I remember a couple of college classes and situations and helped me decide that I wasn't going to enjoy a career direction I thought I would.